Clear-Lock™ Retainers
About the Product
Clear-Lock™ Retainers include seven years of digital storage, providing patients and dentists a convenient way to reorder the appliance if necessary. Fabricated from 1.0 mm clear, BPA-free copolyester, these retainers are custom-thermoformed for optimal fit. Clear-Lock retainers can be made from conventional impressions or models. Your patient’s models undergo a digital scan to create 3D data, which we save for seven years. In the event a patient loses or damages a retainer, replacements can be reordered from the patient’s digitally stored data.
Production time: 4 working days in lab.

- Start with an accurate, void-free impression of both arches. Ensure no tears or bubbles are present in the impression material to guarantee precision fit. If you prefer to pour your own models, package models carefully and separate to ensure that there is no breakage during shipping.
- Seat splint and evaluate fit and retention. If adjustments are necessary, use a carbide bur or Lisko-S disc. Polish if needed.
- A soft toothbrush and toothpaste are recommended for cleaning the appliance. Denture cleaner also can be used, but the appliance should not remain in the solution for more than 10 minutes. Rinse with water and store dry in the provided container.